- I suggested to a friend, "tell your brother how that makes you feel," to which he replied "I can't, I am British!"
- I brought back butter popcorn from the US in December because I thought I missed it. Now that I've had it again it's clear my heart now belongs to mixed: salty and sweet. Butter can see itself out.
- I'm still recovering from covid. It's week 6. It could be worse but it still sucks. I'm staying in a lot, sleeping lots, anxious a lot.
- Not brazenly but less skittishly I'm now venturing to a local co-working space, (just on the other side of a lovely park where after Christmas the goats at the park's petting zoo get the discarded trees) where who knows what germs are swapped, and it's been really, really nice to see other humans and to leave the house.
- I've started a new project at work and it's been great to be far less stressed and to feel energised and optimistic rather than deflated, dragging and drowning!
Published on — Sun Jan 22 2023