2020 Books

Books I read in 2020. See here for 2019. Here's what I'm currently reading.

2020 Shelf

2020 List

The Woman Who Stole VermeerAmore, Anthony M.12/28/2020Non Fiction True Crime265
The School of Lifede Botton, Alaian 12/4/2020Non Fiction Philosophy310
IntimationsSmith, Zadie10/30/2020Non Fiction Essays112
Mrs. DallowayWoolf, Virgina 10/8/2020Fiction 182
A History of London in 100 PlacesLong, David9/24/2020Non Fiction 224
Hampstead HeathHammerson, Michael9/20/2020Non Fiction 150
WeatherOffill, Jenny9/26/2020Fiction 207
How to Be an Antiracist Kendi, Ibram9/12/2020Non Fiction 305
FlâneuseElkin, Lauren8/25/2020Non Fiction History338
Such a Fun AgeReid, Kiley8/2/2020Fiction 307
The Splended and the VileLarson, Erik 7/23/2020Non Fiction History464
CirceMiller, Madeline7/3/2020Fiction Fantasy393
Wow, No Thank YouIrby, Samantha6/21/2020Non Fiction Essays336
The Psychopath TestRonson, Jon5/29/2020Non Fiction Psychology275
Square HauntingWade, Francesca5/10/2020Non Fiction Biography432
Where I Was FromDidion, Joan4/25/2020Non Fiction Essays243
The Remains of the DayIshiguro, Kazuo4/20/2020Fiction Historical245
After HenryDidion, Joan4/18/2020Non Fiction Essays320
Slouching Towards BethlehemDidion, Joan4/11/2020Non Fiction Essays257
The Anglo-Saxon AgeBlair, John4/1/2020Non Fiction History90
The White AlbumDidion, Joan3/28/2020Non Fiction Essays224
South and WestDidion, Joan3/18/2020Non Fiction Essays137
The Story of English in 100 WordsCrystal, David3/16/2020Non Fiction Linguistics260
Ways of SeeingBerger, John3/15/2020Non Fiction Essays176
WalkingThoreau, Henry David3/15/2020Non Fiction Essays128
UpstreamOliver, Mary3/14/2020Non Fiction Essays178
Sense and SensibilityAusten, Jane2/19/2020Fiction Classics409
How to Do NothingOdell, Jenny2/15/2020Non Fiction Essays240
All About Lovehooks, bell2/9/2020Non Fiction Philosophy240
Dictionary StoriesBurrows, Jez1/18/2020Fiction Short Stories256
Jane Austen Speaks NorwegianSørbø, Marie1/14/2020Non Fiction Comparative Linguistics226
Published on — Fri Jan 01 2021